Working in the long-term care industry for the past 10 years, our owner noticed that there has been a lack of empathy and compassion among many certified nursing assistants. Unfortunately, some of these practitioners are also vaguely equipped with the clinical skill sets needed for the position and not passionate about healthcare.
Over the last decade, there has been an uprising of privately funded “Get in, get out” schools, whose only concerns have been increasing their enrollment numbers. As Nursing Home Administrators, we know firsthand that the Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are the backbone of any Skilled Nursing Facility.
CNAs are the true directors of first impressions. However, sadly, their lack of skills and poor customer service have become a part of the reason many long-term care facilities and home health agencies have gotten into serious regulatory distress.
With these observations, we decided to open a training center that will not just focus on the clinical skill sets but will also guarantee that upon completion of the program, trainees are well rounded, theoretically versed, and clinically astute.
Today, we at C.N.A Technical Center have begun the journey of saving quality care by ensuring that we hire the best Clinicians, Social Service Directors, and even including ourselves in the education and training of future frontline caregivers.