University Area CDC INVEST Workforce Scholarship Process
The following outlines the steps that must be completed in order for a student – who is a resident of 33612 or 33613 – to receive a scholarship of $995 to become a CNA through CNA Technical Center.
- Individual visits CNA Technical Center and completes the following:
a. Enrollment Application for CNA Technical Center
b. Background Screening – $90 Fee - If Background Screening results show that the individual is eligible to receive CNA certification and work as a CNA in the state of Florida, the individual may then complete the “INVEST Workforce Scholarship Application.”
a. The completed application and background results will be sent by CNA Technical Center via email to Career Manager: - Application is reviewed by Career Manager and individual is scheduled for a face to face meeting with Career Manger.
- Career Manager and individual meet and complete the “Action Plan to Employment” form together and sign the “Scholarship Agreement”.
- Career Manager determines approval or denial for scholarship.
a. Career Manager will notify the individual whether they are approved or denied for the scholarship, and a letter reflecting the decision will be sent via email to both the individual and CNA Technical Center. - Once individual and CNA Technical Center receive the scholarship approval letter, the individual will submit payment for their certification exam through CNA Technical Center – $160 Fee
- CNA Technical Center will send proof of payment for certification exam, along with individual’s class start date to Career Manager via email.
- Once steps 1-7 have been successfully completed, Career Manger will submit payment of $995 to CNA Technical Center, which will cover the individual’s Enrollment Fee ($150), Tuition ($770), and Textbooks ($75).
- Upon course completion, Career Manager will register individual for NextJob, and individual will complete the following modules (at a minimum):
a. Your Plan
b. Resume
c. Visible Jobs
d. Contacting Employers
e. The Interview
f. Your New Job - Career Manager will work with individual to place them in a job.